The Meriden Christadelphians
Regular Services
Bible Learning
Sunday School
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Decision Making
Key Decisions in Bible Stories
Naboth - Facing Down a King
- 1 Kings 21:1-16
Naaman The Syrian ... And His Friends
2 Kings 5
The Prodigal Son ... And His Family
- Luke 15:11-32
Decisions and Outcomes
- Genesis 37:5-8
Joseph's Brothers
- Genesis 37:25-28
Jael - The Wife of Heber
- Judges 4:17-21
David and Bathsheba
- 2 Samuel 11:1-5
Naboth - The Jezreelite
- 1 Kings 21:1-4
Jesus in Gethsemane
- Matthew 26:37-39
- Acts 5:29-39
Sergius Paulus
- Acts 13:4-12
John Mark
- Acts 13:13
Paul at Philippi - Lydia
- Acts 16:12-13
Paul at Philippi - The Slave Girl
- Acts 16:16-24
Paul - A Prisoner at Philippi
- Acts 16:23-28
Decision Path Activities
You're Shadrach. What Will You Do?
Daniel 3
Falsely Accused!
- General
What Would You Do? Problems
You're Paul. What Will You Do?
Acts 13 to 28
Affairs Of The Heart!
A Hurtful Remark!
Feeling Snubbed!
Hitting The Lottery!
I'm not Speaking to Them Again!
Should I, or Shouldn't I?
So Annoying!
The Little Crook!
Tooth And Nail!
Wouldn't You Know It!